
Stories, tips and inspirational insights to upgrade your communication

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Events can shape policy decisions
February 2023

Events can shape policy decisions

Events have always been at the core of the EU influence toolkit. To understand why we get excited about events , we are sharing some of the best approaches that led to successful and impactful events in the past. 

ASMR storytelling that wins audiences
November 2022
Communications, Latest Articles, Strategy

ASMR storytelling that wins audiences

Seeing sensory-inspired video storytelling producing feasible results, we could not wait for an opportunity to work on an ASMR-inspired campaign. So, when Vlerick Business School approached our creative team, we knew ASMR was the best way to attract students from all around the world to the university’s six Master Programs.

Morning Coffee & EU Comms
April 2022
Communications, Latest Articles

Morning Coffee & EU Comms

Morning Coffee and EU Comms aims at nurturing the EU communications community and improving and learning from each other in a casual setting over a cup of freshly brewed coffee.

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