Latest Articles > Press Release: Digital Trends for EU Communication in 2022

Press Release: Digital Trends for EU Communication in 2022

October 2021
2 minutes
Communications, Creative, Latest Articles
by Savion Ray
Post Covid-19 Communication Trends Pres Release

Brussels’ communications and campaigning company Savion Ray conducted qualitative research on communication trends emerging with the pandemic and identifying the way forward. Report authors spoke to over 20 major associations and corporate EU policy offices to identify trends across industries, topics and sizes.

‘We’ve observed a great need for such a report that is focused and specific to associations. We’ve come across many post-COVID-19 trends and reports for brands and companies, but nothing that is specific to Brussels and EU communications. Associations are eager to exchange experience and learn from each other, so we decided to gather it all in an original trends report that focuses on communication trends. 

The backbone of the report have been the interviews. We spoke with more than 20 association leaders and communication experts who shared with us their challenges and the main changes they have observed. 

It’s been incredibly interesting hearing everyone’s insights and producing a report that can help professionals make high-level decisions in communications. ’ 

Bisera Savoska, CEO and Founder at Savion Ray 

This is the first qualitative report of its kind. The interviews were carried across a broad variety of sectors from food to plastics, healthcare and energy and confirm five main trends that drove associations communication during COVID-19:

  • Omnipresent Digital 

You are either a digital convert believer, or you are already falling behind and missing out.

  • Hybrid-ish Events 

“Should I do a hybrid event?” will depend on your communication goals.

  • Walk the Green Talk. 

Act as much as you communicate and recognise the quiet doers.

  • Goodbye Influencers, Hello Thought Leaders. 

Influencers are irrelevant, but thought leaders are the voices of the community

  • (Re)Thinking Purpose. 

To accomplish a goal bigger than ourselves, we need to take care of every individual.

We would like to especially thank the following industry experts and association leaders and acknowledge their valuable input:

  1. Sylvie Aitken, Communications Director at PlasticsEurope
  2. Malgosia Bartosik, Deputy CEO at WindEurope
  3. Birgit Beger, CEO at the European Heart Network 
  4. Veronika Bendere, European Communications Director at MSD 
  5. Andrea Boccuni, Senior Government Affairs Manager at BASF
  6. Jean-Baptiste Boucher, Communications Director at COPA-COGECA 
  7. Jenny Björklöf, LinkedIn Trainer and Coach
  8. Jorgo Chatzimarkakis, CEO at Hydrogen Europe 
  9. Bruce Douglas, Business and Communications Director at Eurelectric 
  10. Anika Gatt Seretny, Senior Communications Manager at CropLife Europe 
  11. Ourania Georgoutsakou, Secretary General at Lighting Europe 
  12. Will Henley, Head of Communications at International Hydropower Association 
  13. Philip Herd, Director of Communications, EU Public Affairs at Huawei
  14. Pia Alina Lange, Director Public Affairs and Communications at European Aluminium 
  15. Jerick Parrone, Senior Manager Communications at MedTech Europe
  16. Andy Powrie-Smith, Executive Director of Communications at EFPIA 
  17. Inês Rebelo, Communications Manager at UNESDA – Soft Drinks Europe  
  18. Chris Ruff, Director for Communications and Political Outreach at DIGITALEUROPE 
  19. William Surman, Director of Public Affairs and Communications at FoodDrinkEurope 
  20. Jurate Svarcaite, Director General at AESGP 
  21. Shirin Wheeler, Head of Video and Social Media at European Investment Bank (EIB)

The report will be released Wednesday, October 20, 19:00 PM CET, and you can join the online launch here.

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